Margaret started her Maritime career in 1999 and at the age of 16 she set sail out of her home port, starting a 13 year career working aboard a variety of vessels in the Maritime industry around the world.
In 2011 Margaret began a nearly yearlong battle with the NMC to obtain her approval to test.
After many frustrating conversations, she finally had enough and sent a lengthy email to the NMC Commander laying out the issues at hand, stating that discrimination had no place in the organization, evaluators must follow the regulations and policies and not deny mariners credentials simply because they had a personal opinion.
“At one point my evaluator insinuated that they didn’t feel I could have obtained all that sea time as a female. Naturally I was livid.”
In the email to the Commander, Margaret laid out the Maritime Law, provided proof of her right to obtain an Approval To Test (ATT) and demanded that the NMC get its evaluators educated in the fact that they simply could not continue to deny applications without cause and proof of cause. Mariners depend on their credentials to support their families, and companies depended on Mariners to continue operations of their vessels
Within 30 minutes of sending the letter to the Commander of the NMC, he called Margaret directly apologizing, had a new evaluator finish her application and issue an ATT letter. She told him that she would continue to stand up for the rights of all Mariners.
In late 2012, while taking time off from sailing to raise her children, Margaret continued helping mariners who were struggling with the NMC and in early 2015, Mariner Consulting Services was born. Margaret has kept her promise and has fought for Mariners and their rights to obtain credentials and to continue hawsepiping.
In 2023 Margaret realized the potential to help Mariners on a larger scale and has been working to expand her business to assist Mariners and Maritime Companies with a wide variety of needs. Mariner Consulting Services brought on additional experts to ensure better service and to serve a broader scope of needs in the Maritime industry.
Margaret Strozyk
Margaret, a former Merchant Marine, has been in the Maritime industry since 1999, and assisting Mariners with credentialing since 2012. She served in the US Army as a combat engineer and as a medical specialist, with the Sheriff’s department as a Search and Rescue (SAR) Technician, as well as a team lead for their High Angle Rescue Technician (HART) team. She has been a structural and wildland firefighter and EMS provider since 2009 and holds a Paramedic license and teaches medical courses. Margaret has worked for a non-profit assisting landowners with fuels mitigation work as a grant writer, project manager and coordinator/liaison for federal, state, local entities and private landowners.
"I am passionate about ensuring all Mariners are treated equal and that all Mariners are able to realize their full potential in the Maritime industry."
Andy Hammond
Andy Hammond is one of the most experienced consultants due to his experience working in the U.S.C.G. Merchant Marine licensing field for several years. Since 2006, he has been assisting Mariners with the complex processes of obtaining, renewing and upgrading all levels of officer and rating endorsements. Before that, he served as the U. S. Coast Guard Regional Examination Center Chief in Boston, overseeing the credentialing program. As a former Merchant Mariner and USCG licensing specialist Andy provides in depth knowledge and guidance to the complex credentialing process.
Damon Carson-Hull
Damon recently retired after 23 years of Federal Service with the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service as a Battalion Chief.
He has broad knowledge of the intricacies of working with, as well as within, the Federal Government. He has an extensive background managing, coordinating, and organizing large groups of people to efficiently guide them towards a common goal.
Gavriel Garrison
With an Honor's degree in Psychological Science, Gavriel has been working in intake and administration for over 6 years. They assist with Intake Coordination, Business Development and Social Media Management. Additionally, Gavriel offers Professional Resume Services that are industry specific, for those seeking to take their job hunting to the next level and advance their career.
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